An Essay At Removing National Prejudices against a Union with Scotland | 2

[2] If this be wanting, to what purpose does the Queen invite, the Parliament prepare, and Commissioners meet, other than to furnish Authors to compleat their Historical Accounts, of what has been to little purpose attempted towards a Union.


And yet I am not speaking here of the Temper of the Commissionsers, on either Hand, with Respect to Union ; I make no Question, but they come on both Sides heartily inclin’d to the thing in general, I wish them as sincerely agreing in the Methods.


But as what they do, is to be recommended to, and laid before the Parliaments of both Kingdoms, whose Members, without any Reflection on them, may be variously influenc’d, from Causes too many to repeat here, and on whom the ancient Prejudices of the Times may have made too large Impressions.


For these Reasons, I cannot but think ’tis necessary to Essay the Removing those Prejudices, in the best manner I can, as a thing no Man has yet attempted, and as what is absolutely necessary to the great Work we are upon.


I believe I may be allow’d to say, without any Charge of Partiality, or Affectation to our selves, or of our real Merit, That there are not Two braver Nations in the World ; or that have more shown their Courage and Gallantry, upon all Occaisons, than the English and the Scots.


And as these Two People inhabit one Island, neither separated by dangerous Sea or unpassable Mountains, neither bounded with vast Deserts or great Rivers, by which either the Communications of Peace and Trade, or the Access of War might be rendred difficult, the on-looking World has beheld with no less Wonder than Pleasure, that they have not to this Day been able to unite in one Body.



ここで commissioner は「起草委員」と訳されてもよいかもしれない。


