An Essay At Removing National Prejudices against a Union with Scotland | 5

The first Step towards a common Courtesy between the Nations, was in the Marriage of the Lady Elizabeth, Daughter of Henry the VIIth. to James the Fourth King of Scotland; and ’tis remarkable that wise Prince was the first in England, that foresaw an Advantage to England by a Union with Scot-[5]-land ; the Particulars of which we find noted in History, viz. That when the Match was proposed in Council, it met with great Opposition there from an Apprehension that one time other such an Alliance might bring the Crown of England into the Line of Scotland --- And what if it should, says that wise Prince, with a Spirit one would think had been Prophetical, If any such thing should happen I foresee that it will come to pass that our Kingdom of England wil lose nothing thereby, because there will not be an Accession of England to Scotland, but on the contrary, of Scotland to England, as to that is by much the more noble Head of the whole Island. Vide Speed’s Chron. Reign of Henry the VIIth.


Had any Man been by the King, that had known what we now come by Length of Time to understand, they might have added, but it will be the certain Depressing and Ruin of Scotland, by removing her Court and Gentry, by losing the Concourse of Strangers, Residence of Ambassadors, and consequently the Expence of Money, and the Helps to Trade from her Capital City, by lessening her Interest in foreign Courts, and her Value in the World, with innumerable Mischiefs attending the Meanness of a Kingdom without a Head.


That Scotland, by this means, would rather seem a Province than a Kingdom, and yet remain without the proper Advantages of a Province of England also ; as being treated like Aliens, in every thing injurious and detrimental to England, and as Subjects, in every thing advantageous to England, tho’ prejudicial to Scotland.


From this relative Union with Scotland, under Henry VIIth. a settled Peaces with Scotland began, and saving some short Intervals under Henry the VIIIth. from a meer Capricio of that warm Prince, the long Peace between the Nations seem’d to prepare them on both Sides for more strict Engagements, by wearing out the Remembrance of former Injuries, and lessening the Native Animosities of the People.



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